Check daily task below and on-going voting polls.

Learn more about Music Shows

Voting AppDaily Task
Fan N StarComplete Daily Mission, Time Event, Increase G+
IdolchampAttendance, Collect Ruby Chamsims
MubeatFamiliarize the app by collecting beats
ChoeaedolCollect Ever Hearts
WhosfanCollect credits
OthersNavigate all voting apps on your free time


πŸ“ These tutorials are still developing. More tutorials are coming!

How to create an account for IDOLCHAMP.



Idol Champ voting application is use to vote for MBC Show Champion. Idol Champ also offer various voting polls, artist's daily ranking, fandom ads and star giving projects. Rewards from winning voting polls can be in-app ads like Youtube ads to promote artist, Korean subway ads, New York Times Square ads, and/or articles.

❗Strictly one account per device on IOS. Android users can create multiple accounts using different SNS.

IdolChamp uses CHAMSIMS to vote. There are three types of chamsims that you need to collect:
➜Time Chamsims - Blue Hearts (πŸ’™)
➜Ruby Chamsims - Red Hearts (β™₯️)
➜Star Chamsims - Yellow Star (⭐)

- Must use within the month you earn them (expires the first day of the next month.)
- USE FOR: voting, quizzes, live streaming, fandom ads, daily rank chart
-Make sure to collect πŸ’™ if Jin's comeback is announced or if Jin's has an on-going voting polls. You can collect everyday and remember to drop it for BTS on daily ranking before end of month.


(1). Attendance: You will receive 30 πŸ’™ once per day for logging on the IdolChamp app.
(2). Community: You will get 20 πŸ’™ once per day if you leave a comment on the community and it gets 30+ likes.(3). Comment: You will get 20 πŸ’™ once per day if you leave comment under any voting poll.(4). Quizzes: You can earn a lot of πŸ’™ from doing quizzes.

- They don't expire.
- USE FOR: voting, quizzes, live streaming, fandom ad, daily rank chart.
- Collect everyday.

(1). Free Charging: You will get up to 100 β™₯ by watching ads and spinning the roulette. (you can watch ads up to 10x per day). Do mission.
(2). Stargiving: You get 20% β™₯ payback of the amount of Yellow star (⭐) you give in Stargiving.(3) PD Level Up: According to grade, you get a certain amount of β™₯ for leveling up(4) Purchase: You can also buy β™₯️ if you want to if you're able.Check below for further guidelines on navigating the app to collect πŸ’™, β™₯️, ⭐:


Category: Best Hot Choice Male
πŸ“…07/01 to 07/10
~This voting is under 2 voting application.
50%= Idolchamp | 50%= My1Pick

IdolChamp Goal: #1
My1Pick Goal: #2
Check below on how to vote:

How to create an account for FAN N STAR.



Fan N Star is use for The Fact Music Award. Fan N Star voting uses ⭐.

➜ Collect Stars by completing daily mission
➜ Increase G+ level
➜ Yellow ⭐ expired within 15 days. If Jin has no active polls, drop it for BTS or other members, if there is no polls for the group or other members, you can drop it to whoever you want.

-There are 5 levels of G+ - Black, Gold , Silver, Bronze and Green where black is the highest and green is the lowest.

Why increase G+ points?
-To get more voting benefits. Check benefits below by level.

-Get bonus of up to 100 ⭐ after completing daily missions.
-5 Free Roulette spins

-Get bonus of up to 80 ⭐ after completing daily missions.
-4 Free Roulette spins

-Get bonus of up to 60 ⭐ after completing daily missions.
-3 Free Roulette spins

-Get bonus of up to 40 ⭐ after completing daily missions.
-2 Free Roulette spins

-Get bonus of up to 20 ⭐ after completing daily missions.
-1 Free Roulette spins

How to increase G+ points
(1) Completing daily missions.
(2) Posting on photo talk
(3) Posting on Star Bulletin
(4) Time Event
(5) Video Vote (app only)
(6) Dropping 200 votes
(7) Fanmembership
(1.) Attendance
(2.) Reacting to Articles
(3.) Free Stars
(4.) Post Recommendation
(5.) Time Event

Check below on how to complete daily missions, increase G+ points and how to vote.

How to create an account for WHOSFAN.



-Whosfan hosting different voting polls such as Mcountdown pre-vote and HMA. It also shows artist's ranking on Hanteo chart.
-You can vote by collecting Credits and converting it to Voting tickets.
-You can create multiple accounts using different SNS accounts.

-Voting tickets expires in one month from the date you exchange them.
-Collected credits have no expiration date.
How to collect credits?
-By watching ads.
-By signing up.
-By purchasing.
-Using referral code upon signing up.
You can use our referral code: ELR18442. Go back to main menu and check tutorial on creating an account to learn on how to referral code.

Check below on how to collect credits and how to exchange them to voting tickets.

How to create an account for My1PICK.

Click here for voting tutorial➜

How to create an account for Mnet.

Click here for voting tutorial➜

How to create an account on CHOEAEDOL.

Click here for voting tutorial➜